
Is it time to switch - Windows vs Linux

U.Senthil Kumar

So we all use windows daily for various purposes right from simple browsing to professional gaming or editing or programming. But did you know that you can do more with Linux compared to windows? Let us see how.

For MacOS users, I recommend you to switch to linux as soon as possible because, MacOS and Linux use a UNIX core. Your switch from Mac OS to Linux will be relatively smooth. Most of the terminal commands are the same in Linux and MacOS. To feel more at home, you can try distros like Elementary OS which has a Mac OS like Desktop environment.

It's only the Windows users who will need some great adjusting while shifting.

A few key benefits of linux over windows-

  1. Linux runs faster even with older hardware whereas windows are slower compared to Linux.
  2. Windows has different drives like C: D: E, while there are no drives in Linux
  3. In Linux OS you can have 2 files with the same name in the same directory where as in Windows, you cannot have 2 files with the same name in the same folder.

Now we have seen the benefits of linux over windows lets know a few of the places where it is being used on a daily basis.

You must not be aware of this but this is true that NASA Pleiades supercomputer runs linux and not only that, but the International Space Station which is located in the space also shifted from Windows to Linux 6 years ago due to reliability of the OS

Linux is also used in enterprise applications to maintain servers and networks. Red hat linux and its distros like Fedora are used for this purpose. Even Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing servers, run on Linux.

So there you go, Linux seems much better than windows in a lot of aspects. But, the question is should you switch? I would say that even if the switch to linux may be difficult as you may need to use alternatives to windows based software, in the long run, it is worth it and it is far better than Windows once you get the hang of it.